
May 12, 2008
Federal agents execute search warrant on Agriprocessors Meat Processing Plant in Postville, Iowa, resulting in the arrest of 389 undocumented workers. It is the largest workplace raid in U.S. history at the time. Within four days, 297 workers pleaded guilty and were sentenced to five months in prison. Many spent time in GEO or CCA facilities before being deported.

May 7, 2008
Judge Reade purchases more than $30,000 and as much as $100,000 worth of additional stock in GEO Group and Correction Corporation of America.

December 2007 – May 2008
Prosecutors, federal investigators with Immigration, Customs & Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Marshalls Service and the FBI hold more than 10 ex-parte meetings with Judge Reade, discussing arrest warrants for as many as 850 undocumented workers.